Wednesday, July 05, 2006

That was a while.

My excuse, is that, I am having exams and therefore I have no time to blog. Actually. I do have time do blog.

In fact. I have more time. Its great. Half day.

(Random note for later: Patrick and Tony are good friends. And Patrick is said to be gay. (Maybe.) Yes. Take note.)

Then when you have more time, you can do more things. More useless things like play dota, sleep, avoid canteen food...
Yum. High in protein.Nutritious (Vitamins and proteins from the organs) , fibrious (the legs + hair) and juicy (The bug fluid juice thingy)

(Thats actually useful.), eat more, and spend less money on 100 plus.

Then there is the other people.

My classmates. They have more time too. Too much time I must say.
When I have too much time, I notice things. I notice too much.
(Note again... Sian leh! I posted the full image but blogpots made it smaller! Need to cut and whatnot. Delayed.)

Ok. 4:09 PM... Today... I saw...

Aww, hes sleeping. So cute. OMG what AM I SAYING!?

At the same time...

Eh?... HE's sleeping too?
If you see two guys with too much time... at 4:09PM, who are good friends, announcing on MSN that they're sleeping... Somethings gotta be up.

They are 'sleeping' together. Yes. Thats not good. Can get STD's very easily.

Take note of the language.

SleePinG > Whats with the Slee and Ping. Slee for Sleazy and Ping?...
Ping is defined as -
A sharp, high-pitched sound, as that made by a bullet striking metal. (Well thats one definition.)
Sleazy pinging? So I DO NOT want to know what thats all about. ;D

Edit: The below was... abducted by turkeys, so it is rewritten. *Curse you blogger!*
(aslp) - ASLP? Lets separate it. AS and SLP. AS can mean ass. And SLP can mean slap.
Join the two and you get ass slap. Ass slapping. So from this we can judge 2 people from simple, signs? Or words. Anyways whatever it is, always practice safe sex, especially anal sex (The example above.) Or else can get STD. Very painful la. Don't play play. Play play safely.

Disclaimer: This is purely fictional and they are not gay. But the sleeping at the same time thing is true. They were sleeping at the same time but we do not know what activities that they might have taken part in.