God has blessed us in many ways. Ways such as giving us nice food to eat - to creating asshole mofo's for us step on (Not literally.). 10 years ago, we humans were "less blessed" as if you were to have a question such as: "What is Kuching?" (Assuming you're from another country.) It would be quite hard to find out. You could always walk to the library but its a waste of energy, and time consuming. As you would want the answer almost immediately.
So this is where God has blessed us. In 1998, God came down to Earth (Menlo Park, California to be exact.) And he visited two people, Larry Page and Sergey Brin in a garage.
God said 'Let there be light and Google.com!'
And that is how Google came to be.
Ok, enough of history.
Today, I shall cast more light. By teaching you the art of googling.
The art of googling is as easy as walking. God made it that way so even an idiot would be able to use it.
- The Ancient Art Of Googling -
Google is a search engine, unlike kancil engines, it is more powerful and has more horsepower. Google is basically used to search for information. This is useful in many ways, and mainly so that you wont go and disturb your friends asking them: Hey, whats the meaning of gnihfwfbeughke? Or... : Where do I download Winamp? Can you give me the direct link? Instead of doing that, go to Google.com and GOOGLE IT.
You will need:
A computer.
Internet Access
A functional brain.
A pinch of common sense.
Step 1
Get a question. There must be something you would like to know about. For now, we will use 'Where is Kuching?'
Step 2
Now you will need to open your web browser and type in www.google.com. It should automatically redirect you to the Malaysian 'Googlar'.
Step 3
After it has finished loading, simply type in your question in the box. If you dont know, Its labelled as A. So we type in 'Where is Kuching'. You dont need to add the question mark. Dont ask why either.
Even got google in Bahasa Malaysia ah! Its really Godsent!
Step 4
Click google search and wait (If you're still using dial-up. Heheh.) for the results to load. Then you should see something like this...
Now, we will need to know which blue words to click.
A: Welcome to Kuching Online
Welcome to Kuching Online, the online guide of Kuching City, ... Please tour around this site to find out more about Kuching and visit Kuching on your next ...
If you can read, it says Kuching City, therefore you should know that its about a PLACE, which is part of your answer to WHERE.
And needless to say, it has a independant domain name. Not stuff like www.i-ate-kuching.blogspot.com. The reason to this is because... chances are, sites like these are a free service which could mean free abuse. Or, the site could be about someones boring life. So we need to look out for these sites and look for independant domain such as www.isarawak.com.my. Because its not hosted by a free hosting service, it means that there is a certain amount of commitment. So therefore the site should be fairly reliable.
B: Hilton KuchingThe Hilton Kuching is situated along Kuching's spectacular riverfront promenade with panoramic views of the Sarawak River and Fort Margherita.
You should be able to comprehend that the above is about an object. Note the words the hilton and is situated along. Also knowing that hilton is the name of a hotel. Not the model. Hotel. So, this site would not exactly answer our question. So don't click unless you're looking for somewhere to stay when you get stranded here.
C: Kuching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe climate in Kuching is tropical, moderately hot and receives ... View of the Kuching waterfront across Sarawak River towards India Street and the old
Wikipedia - A great source of information, when doing research about something, its always good to read whatever it is up in the Wikipedia as it has a wide range of information and is 99% (more or less) accurate. A .org means its an organisation so sites like these can be reliable.
D: Kuching Quick Guide (Travel in Sarawak, Malaysia)Quick tourist guide to Kuching (Sarawak) in Malaysia, covering food, people, places and culture.
Its self explanatory. Shouldnt be hard to understand what the site offers unelss you're mentally retarded. Seriously.
So I hope, now, before asking questions, GOOGLE IT FIRST.
Obviously dont go and look up 'Where did I put my handphone?'....